Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure and honor to invite you at the 2025 National Conference of the Romanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (RSACI), “Allergy Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment: Connecting the Dots”, to be held on May 15 – 17, 2025 in Bucharest.
The conference will focus on the impact of pathogenetic and socio-economic factors on allergic diseases and discussing a more precise approach to prevention, diagnosis and management of allergic diseases incorporating novel concepts such as personalized care, precision immunology and environmental science. RSACI thus reiterates its commitment to uncover the complexity of factors contributing to the onset and evolution of allergic diseases, by bringing together research and practice in the field of allergy, asthma and clinical immunology.
The wealth of scientific data, as well as new and emerging concepts in Allergology and Clinical Immunology, and related fields empowers us to develop new methods and instruments to enhance patient outcomes. Therefore, all the experiences that will be shared during the conference will deepen our understanding of science behind clinical decisions.
Our scientific programme reached a peak this year by continuing the trend set at the very beginning of RSACI, that of opening to the international scientific community and hence welcoming as keynote speakers world-renowned specialists. This is why we are able to offer a solid conference program with outstanding researchers from Romania and abroad who will talk in well-balanced scientific sessions and symposia that cover the most pertinent topics in allergy and immunology.
I am delighted to welcome you again in 2025 to learn from and share with each other in the delightful setting offered by Bucharest, a city full of life and rich in culture, which we hope you will take time to discover.
Prof. Carmen Panaitescu
RSACI President
Invited speaker
| Lectures
Prof. Ian Adcock Head of the Molecular Cell Biology Group at the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK
| Advancing Biomarker-Guided Biologic Therapies in the Management of Severe Asthma
Prof. Montserat Alvaro Lozano Department of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain
| Chronic Urticaria in Children: Prevalence, Diagnosis and Treatment
Prof. Annick Barbaud Head of the Dermatology and Allergy department. Tenon University Hospital, Paris France
| Title to be announced
Prof. Helen Brough Head of Service at the Children’s Allergy Service, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK
| Preventing Food Allergy Through Restoration of the Epithelial Barrier
Assoc. Prof. Anca Mirela Chiriac Academic researcher, University of Montpellier, France
| The use of decision tree models in drug allergy. Antibiotics, NSAIDs, contrast media and perioperative hypersensitivity
Prof. Pascal Demoly Head of Department at the University Hospital of Montpellier, France
| Hypersensitivity to Monoclonal Antibodies
Prof. Tari Haahtela Academic researcher, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
| Nature-based Solutions
Prof. Nicola Hanania Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
| How to choose the correct biological in asthma Sesiune Asthma/Biomarkers
Prof. Sir Stephen Holgate CBE, FMedSci MRC Clinical Professor of Immunopharmacology UKRI Clean Air Champion and Special Advisor to the RCP on Air Quality
| From Epithelial Barrier to Community Involvement
Isabella Annesi Maesano Head of the Department Epidemiology of allergic and respiratory diseases, UMR-S 1136, Institute Pierre Louis of Epidemiology and Public Health, INSERM and UPMC, Montpellier, France
| Environmental Impact on Allergic Diseases
Paraskevi Maggina Post-doctoral clinical & research associate in Paediatric Allergy, University of Athens, Greece
| It Is Not Just Atopy: Primary Atopic Disorders (PADs)
Assist. Prof. Manali Muckerjee McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
| Novel Biomarkers in Endotyping Asthma
Prof. Kari Nadeau Chair of the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
| Climate Change – From Mechanism to Mitigation and Adaptation
Marios Papadopoulos Chair of the Greek Paediatric Allergy Society Executive Committee Head of the Allergology & Pulmonology Department, IASO Children’s Hospital Athens, Greece
| After Asthma: Redefining Airway Disease
Milena Sokolowska Head of the Immune Metabolism Department at the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), University of Zurich, Switzerland
| Restoring the Antiviral Defense
Prof. Sophia Tsabouri University Hospital of Ioannina, Greece
| Microbiome & Pediatric Allergy
Prof Rudolf Valenta Head of the Division of Immunopathology, Dept. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
| Microarray-based Allergy Diagnosis
Prof. Christian Virchow Head of the Department of Pulmonology at the University Hospital Rostock, Germany
| Asthma Remission – Is There a Correct Definition
Programul științific preliminar poate fi consultat accesând butonul de mai jos cu mențiunea că poate suferi mici modificări și este în curs de actualizare
Programul științific este acum disponibil! Click pe butonul de mai jos pentru vizualizare.
Dear colleagues,
We want you to participate as actively as possible in the event and to hold your presentation within RSACI Conference! Therefore, we invite all interested doctors to upload their abstract of their work that could be part of the sessions dedicated to the Conference!
Important! Presenting authors are exempt from paying the conference fee. To upload your abstract you must be logged in to your account on the platform.
Abstract submission period: 28th of January – 10th of March 2025
The author has the obligation to comply with the following technical editing criteria (otherwise the abstract will be rejected):
· Abstracts must be sent in both Romanian and English (one document for both languages)
· The body of the abstract must not exceed 250 words for each language (without title, authors and affiliations)
· Times New Roman 12 formatting, 1.15 spacing, must be used.
· Names and surnames of authors and co-authors will be entered in full, without abbreviations.
· Generic terms will be used. The use of trade names of the products should be avoided!
· No graphics (images, figures, etc.) or tables will be used in the summary. Please pay special attention to grammar, as the text will be taken exactly as it is sent!
RSACI Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the abstracts sent (depending on the scientific quality of the work), as well as the form in which they will be presented: oral presentation or poster.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 10th, 2025, 11:59 p.m.!
Papers received after this date will no longer be included in the selection of the Scientific Committee.
Abstract evaluation period: March 10th – 15th
The result of the evaluation will be sent on March 20th by e-mail to the corresponding author. He will be sent the presentation conditions and the section in which the paper was accepted, in case the abstract is accepted.
By submitting the abstract, the author(s) will agree to have their work presented – if selected for presentation – during the conference, at the oral presentation session or the e-poster session.
Abstracts are to be sent in the form dedicated to the registration of abstracts on the event website in mandatory Word format, respecting the above technical characteristics.
The desired form of presentation will be specified – 1. oral communication, 2. oral presentation in the YOUNG ALLERGISTS session dedicated to allergists/researchers (aged < 35 years) or 3. e-poster.
NOTE: The first 3 posters in each category (preclinical and clinical) will be published on the RSACI website in the E-POSTERS and ABSTRACTS section and will be available for viewing for 1 year by platform users.
The abstracts will enter the evaluation process only after we verify that at least one of the authors is registered with the Congress, with the participation fee paid.
RSACI National Conference Registration fees, May 15th-17th, 2025
The participation fee does not include value added tax (VAT) and is paid in Lei exclusively through the online payment platform.
*Exchange rates may vary. To see current exchange rates, please ask your bank, or refer to a web based currency converter.
In order to be able to register it is necessary to go through the payment process for the participation fees above.
This invitation is for healthcare professionals only.
We are waiting for you to join us!
Located at 15 minutes’ drive from Henri Coanda International Airport, Crowne Plaza Bucharest is a refined hotel in the north part of the city, with good public transport connections to the city center and Gara de Nord train station. The hotel has modern conference facilities, with business-friendly services offering every day a unique experience to each guest.
The registration desk will be located at the main conference entrance.
Each participant receives a name badge. This badge should be worn at all times in order to gain access to the conference room and other areas related to the event. Please note that access to the conference areas will only be permitted with an official conference badge.
Certificate of Attendance
The Certificate of Attendance can be downloaded after completing the delegates survey, available after the end of the Conference, from your profile page on the digital platform.
The local currency is Leu (Romanian Leu).
The onsite Exhibition will be organised in the conference venue.
The official languages of the RSACI Conference 2025 are Romanian/English.
Mobile Phone Policy
Please respect the meeting policy and switch your mobile phones to silent mode inside the conference hall.
Photography, filming and Video Recordings
By participating in the RSACI Conference 2024, the delegate understands that recordings of the digital content and the capture of images and videos to be publicly shared are prohibited. Taking photographs or making any other form of electronic recording during the sessions in the meeting rooms is strictly forbidden. An official photographer will be present in Bucharest for the entire event. Please note, by registering to attend the RSACI Conference 2024, you acknowledge and agree that official photographs taken during the event may be used for future meeting promotional purposes.
Participants are advised to make their own arrangements with respect to entering Romania. If you need a letter of invitation, contact [email protected] .
Please apply for a visa within a reasonable time before making your booking.
2-4 iunie 2022
SESIUNE POSTERE ONLINE – Lista rezumatelor acceptate pentru expunerea ca e-postere
1. Probleme de diagnostic și management în dermatita atopică Diagnostic and management problems in atopic dermatitis | Denisa-Gabriela Andrei, Simona Lupșă, Raluca Andreea Pricop, Viorica Zamfir, Elena Danteș |
2. Dermatita de contact alergică indusă de produsele cosmetice Allergic contact dermatitis caused by cosmetic products | Sandra Cristina Munthiu |
3. Urticaria presională tardivă buloasă: probleme de diagnostic pozitiv Bullous delayed pressure urticaria: positive diagnostic problems
| Ancuța-MădălinaNedelcu, Mădălina Popa, Alice-Florentina Șerban, Cristian Budică, Roxana Silvia Bumbăcea, Selda Ali |
4. Sindromul Gleich: ce știm până acum Gleich syndrome: what we know so far | Maria Moroianu-Brînzei, Cătălina Cernat, Rama Boustani, Mihaela-Ruxandra Udrea, Otilia-Luminița Manolache, Selda Ali, Roxana Silvia Bumbăcea |
5. Reacție de hipersensibilitate IgE-mediată indusă de Gadobutrol-prezentare de caz Gadobutrol-induced IgE mediated hypersensitivity reaction – case report | Alice Florentina Șerban, Maria Lucia Apostol, Cristian Budică, Selda Ali, Roxana Silvia Bumbăcea |
A successful desensitization protocol for hypersensitivity reactions to iron preparations | Denisa Mihaela Nedelcu, Cristian Budică, Maria Lucia Apostol, Ella Spring Vexler, Selda Ali, Roxana Silvia Bumbăcea |
7. Angioedem alergic prin mecanism de monosensibilizare alimentară Allergic angioedema caused by food mono-sensitisation | Corina Ureche |
8. Relevanța clinică a panalergenelor din polenul de ambrozia în diagnosticul alergiei Clinical relevance of ragweed pollen panallergens in allergy diagnosis | Lauriana-Eunice Zbîrcea, Maria-Roxana Buzan, Manuela Grijincu, Virgil Păunescu, Carmen Panaitescu, Kuan-Wei Chen |
9. Rolul plastocianinei, Amb a 3, în alergia la polenul de ambrozia (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) The role of the plastocyanin, Amb a 3, in allergy to ragweed pollen (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) | Manuela Grijincu, Gabriela Tănasie, Maria-Roxana Buzan, Lauriana-Eunice Zbîrcea, Monica Daniela Cotarcă, Simona Anghel, Carmen Panaitescu, Kuan-Wei Chen |
10. Este Amb a 1 suficient pentru diagnosticul precis al alergiei la polenul de ambrozia? Is Amb a 1 enough for precise diagnosis of ragweed pollen allergy? | Maria-Roxana Buzan, Manuela Grijuncu, Lauriana-Eunice Zbîrcea, Frank Stolz, Rudolf Valenta, Carmen Panaitescu, Kuan-Wei Chan |
B-cell epitope mapping of Amb a 6 ragweed allergen using in silico methods and experimental studies in an animal model | Michael-Bogdan Mărgineanu, Manuela Grijincu, Maria-Roxana Buzan, Kuan-Wei Chen, Virgil Păunescu, Carmen Panaitescu |
12. Obținerea organismelor hipoalergene prin editare genomică Hypoallergenic organisms obtained by genomic editing | Oana Iudita-Damaris, Karina-Dolores Drăgan, Maria-Roxana Buzan |
13. Alergiile respiratorii – Allergyn’t Respiratory allergies – Allergyn’t | Grigore Viorela, Pandele Bogdan, Simionoff Carmina, Rusu Dan, Simion Vlad; Coordonator: Prof. Dr. Renata-Graziela Boar |
E-posterele vor avea o secţiune specială, dedicată, în cadrul programului din această ediție şi vor putea fi consultate online de către participanţi pe toată durata desfăşurării acestuia.
Posterele acceptate în urma procesului de evaluare vor fi realizate conform specificațiilor tehnice indicate mai jos și trimise până cel târziu pe data de 25 mai 2022 pe adresa de email [email protected] .
Prezentare e-poster în cadrul Conferinţei
Posterele se vor susține în această ediție sub formă de comunicare orală pre-înregistrată audio-video, în limba română, cu o durată de maxim 3 minute, ce va avea ca suport o prezentare Power Point, format 16/9, (5-10 slide-uri max, astfel încât să se încadreze în cele 3 minute).
În cursul lunii mai, Media Med Publicis, compania care se ocupă de managementul Conferinței, va lua legătura cu autorii posterelor acceptate pentru a stabili de comun acord data când vor putea pre-înregistra prezentarea posterului (înregistrarea se va face de la distanţă, sub formă de teleconferinţă). Fiecare autor cu e-poster acceptat va primi un e-mail cu toate detaliile tehnice necesare.
NOTĂ: Primele 3 postere din fiecare categorie (preclinic șI clinic) vor fi publicate pe site-ul SRAIC în secțiunea E-POSTERE și ABSTRACTE și vor fi disponibile spre vizionare timp de 1 an de zile utilizatorilor platformei.